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Whatcom Wildlife Tracker

Have you seen an animal track in the mud, feathers, some scat, or a wild animal by your local stream or ditch? Take a picture and join the Whatcom Wildlife Tracking iNaturalist project. Data from this project will be used to understand what wildlife are present and where! That knowledge helps us be better stewards of our watershed.

How To Contribute


Follow these six steps to join iNaturalist and contribute to the Whatcom Wildlife Tracking Project!


Download the iNaturalist App from Google Play or the Apple App Store.


Click the "+" icon in the bottom right corner then use an image to add an observation.


Create an account using Facebook, Google, or an Email Address.


Make a species suggestion (at least pick mammal, bird, or fish), & add any observations in notes.


Search Whatcom Wildlife Tracking under Projects or click to join with your web browser.


Once you save your observation, it will be added to the project to help us track wildlife!

To join the project using your internet browser, click "Join" in the top right corn


Were you already using the Whatcom Wildlife Tracker App to document bird and other wildlife sightings?

iNaturalist improves on our old tool and makes it easier for everyone to add animal sightings, tracks, and scat. Data collected using the old tool will be combined with new entries for iNaturalist. The Whatcom Wildlife Tracker App still exists and you can continue to create entries in it and view the map. However, we encourage you to set up and iNaturalist account and try it out. We think you'll like it!

Keeping Wildlife Wild


Feeding wildlife impacts our watershed. Increased populations of wildlife living (and pooping) around our creeks- such as raccoons, beavers or birds- can be a sources of harmful bacteria!


Identifying Animal Signs


Animal signs are any evidence of animals including scat (poop), feathers, tracks, fur, gnawed logs, scratches on trees, ect. 

The Whatcom Wildlife Tracking Project tracks any animal signs from birds or mammals. When you record your observations of animal signs on Whatcom Wildlife Tracking Project, we ask that you attempt to make a species identification, or at least make the sign as coming from a mammal or bird. Any observation you make in iNaturalist has crowd sourced identification. This means its okay to not know what species you are seeing because other people can help ID the animal! However, if you don't mark the observation as being from a mammal or bird, it will not be part of the Whatcom Wildlife Tracking Project.  

Learn more about the species near you with Washington Department of Wildlife Species Fact Sheets

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