Whatcom Farm Expo
The Whatcom Farm Expo is an annual free event hosted by the Whatcom Conservation District and Whatcom County Public Works. Visitors wander and learn about all the resources available to you, from local organizations to businesses and community groups. Local speakers give presentations on topics related to all aspects of farming. Sign up for our E-News to stay up to get announcements for the 2025 Whatcom Farm Expo and our other events!

2025 Speakers & Demonstrations
This event features hands-on demonstrations and seminars by local farmers, business owners, and Whatcom CD Staff.
9:30 - 9:50: Holistic Pasture Management - Sandra M Matheson, Matheson Farms
10:00 - 10:20: Meat Birds 101: Production to Processor - Brianna Widen, Widnor Farms
10:30 - 10:50: Getting Started with Beef - Marie Hegarty, Fair Cow’s Path Farm
11:00 - 11:40: Buying Your First Tractor - Steve Van Valkenburg, Vans Equipment Repair
11:00 - 11:40: Hay Quality 101: Growing & Buying Feed That Works for You - Roger Edmonds, Mistyfields Farm & Elizabeth Link, Whatcom Conservation District
12:00 - 12:40: Winter Pruning in the Orchard - Jacob Mills, Farmer & Orchardist
12:00 - 12:40: Tractor Preventative Maintenance - Steve Van Valkenburg, Vans Equipment Repair
12:00 - 12:40: Mobile Animals as Natural Therapy (ANT) - Visiting therapy animals from Mobile ANT
1:00 - 1:20: Native Plants & Trees in the Farm Ecosystem - Trevor Gearhart & Tristan Simons, Whatcom Conservation District
This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement PC-01J89801 to the Washington State Department of Health. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.