Publications and Links
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Digester Management
Feed Management
Field Management
Mortality Management
Nutrient Application
Calculating Dairy Manure Nutrient Application Rates (Downing, 2000)
Manure Application Rates for Forage Production (Downing et al., 2007)
Estimating Plant-avaliable Nitrogen from Manure (Sullivan, 2008)
Gauging Success: Handy Homemade Gauge Measures Irrigation and Manure Applications (Cramer, 1996)
Agricultural Phosphorus Management Using the Oregon/Washington Phosphorus Indexes
Nutrient Testing
Which Test is Best? Customizing Dairy Manure Nutrient Testing (Sullivan et al., 1997)
The Pre-Sidedress Soil Nitrate Test (PSNT) (Marx et al., 1997)
Soil Moisture
Soil and Manure Testing
- Local labs
Edge Analytical Burlington, WA (360) 715-1212; (WA DOE accredited lab)
Exact Scientific Services, Ferndale 360-733-1205 - water and DNA services; (WA DOE accredited lab)
Custom Dairy Services, Lynden 360-354-4344 - lab accreditation unknown at this time
Soiltest, Inc. Moses, Lake (509)765-1622 - manure and soil; (WA DOE accredited lab)
Simply Soils Burlington, WA (360) 202-1086 - soils only, not for WSDA plans
Manure Storage