With over 40 exhibitors from across the region, speakers every half hour, and llamas to pet, there was an abundance of learning, networking, and fun at the 7th Annual Whatcom Farm Expo! Over 360 people joined Whatcom CD & Whatcom County Public Works, March 4th, at the Northwest Washington Fairgrounds. There was a little something for everyone who came!
“What an informative and enthusiastic event. It encouraged me to get more involved and more self-informed from the information and handouts of vendors” – 2023 Whatcom Farm Expo

Ten fabulous, local, speakers shared their experience in seven different areas of farming. Topics ranged from irrigation, to improving pastures with soil testing, to creative poultry systems, to native pollinators, to llama and alpaca care and success, to creating the perfect compost! The keynote presentation was shared by three local farmers and focused on creating a thriving business and productive land, while practicing self-care in farming. For the first time ever, all talks had Spanish language interpretation available!
“So informative! We had a great day. We stopped at all of the booths, and learned a lot. Sat in on the composting seminar, started composting last year so I really enjoyed it. Enjoyable day.” – 2023 Whatcom Farm Expo
“Great presentations! Good info and people doing it. Thanks a lot!” – 2023 Whatcom Farm Expo
“REALLY liked the mental health wellness talk. Thank you!” – 2023 Whatcom Farm Expo

Visitors enjoyed perusing the breadth of exhibits, when not listening to presentations. Each booth and exhibitor brought a wide variety of knowledge and interactive activities to the event. Anyone who walked in the door could see a beehive, crop drone, farm equipment, meet a service dog, pet a llama, and so much more! Visitors of all ages had something to enjoy whether it be an interactive landscape model, live plants, or an in-depth discussion on feeds, energy, animal care, or farm equipment.
“First year going to the expo! Loved all of the great learning experiences for the kids and info for adults! We will come back next year!” – Participant Survey Feedback
To stay up to date on the 2024 Whatcom Farm Expo or other Whatcom Conservation District Events, sign up for our E-News. Whatcom Conservation District will be continuing our Farm Speaker Series in April, make sure to check back for the line-up and see if any of the topics of interest to you! Don’t miss the 30th Annual Native Plant Sale & Celebration taking place March 18th at Pioneer Park in Ferndale.
Thank you to all the visitors who attended the event March 4th!
Thank you to our Barnraiser Sponsors: Coastal Realty, Whatcom County Farm Bureau, & Eagle Eye Aerial Solutions, LLC
Thank you to our Cultivator Sponsors: Whatcom Family Farmers, Lynden Farmers Market, & Kulshan Veterinary Hospital
Thank you to all our speakers: Kate & Ellie Steensma of Steensma Creamery, Marie Hegarty of Fair Cow’s Path Farm, Nick Spring of Spring Time Farm, Molly Pershing of Skagit Farmers Supply, Virginia Malmquist, David Whittaker of Oak Meadows Farm, Dr. Lisa Devetter of WSU Skagit Extension, Anna Beebe of Whatcom Conservation District, and Niki Kuklenski of Llama & Alpaca Appreciation Day
Thank you to all our exhibitors: Aussie Fencing, Brigadoon Service Dogs, Brim Tractor, Cloud Mountain Farm Center, Coastal Realty, Common Threads, Eagle-Eye Aerial Solutions, LLC, Ecotech Solar, Fair Cow’s Path Farm, Friends of Sunset Farm, Ghidossi Farms, Kulshan Veterinary Hospital, Les's Bees, Llama & Alpaca Education Day, Lynden Farmers Market, Mt Baker Beekeepers Association, Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, Northwest All Breed Goat Club, Oak Meadows Farm, Pacific Ag Services Northwest LLC, Puget Sound Energy, Scratch and Peck, Salish Seed Guild, Skagit Animals In Need, Skagit Conservation District, Skagit County Natural Resources, Spark Northwest, Sustainable Connections, The Elenbaas Company, Inc., Washington State Department of Agriculture, Washington State Department of Agriculture: Northern Giant Hornet Program, Washington State Department of Ecology, Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, Westside Building Supply, Whatcom Conservation District, Whatcom Back Country Horsemen, Whatcom County Health Department, Whatcom County Noxious Weed Program, Whatcom County Planning & Development Services, Whatcom County Public Works, Whatcom Family Farmers, Whatcom Farm Bureau, Whatcom County Library System, Whatcom Land Trust, WSU Extension- Farm Stress Outreach, WSU Master Gardeners