ARM Worksheet
(Application Risk Management)
= 40 ft minimum*
March 1-April 15
*Big gun application should never be closer than 40 ft due to drift
The following Application Risk Management (ARM) Worksheet should be used in conjunction with your Nutrient Management Plan and application guidance to help you determine when applying manure is advisable. To access the ARM Worksheet follow the steps below.
Want to Apply Manure? Follow These Steps!
Before you start:
How to use this tool: About the Application Risk Management System
Know the current setback: Manure Application Setback Distance
Learn more: Manure Spreading Resources
6 Steps for Application Risk Management
Evaluate your fields
Prior to application follow these steps: Field Assessment and Application Steps
Details for the field assessments in the ARM worksheet: Pre-Application Field Assessment Details
Check the forecast by clicking your location on the ARM Weather Map below.
Fill out the ARM Worksheet.
Click the ARM Worksheet link in the map pop-up and find out your application risk rating.
Link directly to the worksheet or access it through the map to auto-fill precipitation data.
Print and save your worksheet for your records. If the risk is high, don't apply!
Apply manure using the guidance in your Farm Plan.
Monitor your fields for any sign of runoff, discharge from fields, or ponding.
Printable ARM Worksheet
Weather prediction data (click Forecast Precipitation on right side)
Past weather data (select the closest weather station)
The risk value on the map is based on the 72 hour precipitation forecast for a given area. This value best predicts the potential risk associated with movement of manure applied to a field. Click on the ARM map below.
Notes on the ARM Weather Map
This ARM Weather Map is the first step in assessing if your field conditions are suitable for manure application and should be followed up with observation of your field characteristics to determine if manure application is appropriate at any time of the year. In some cases, even when the advisory is med-high, you may have individual fields that can be applied to because they are low risk. The ARM worksheet will help you take the next step to assess the risk associated with application to individual fields.
Please note, even if this map says your risk is low, it cannot account for every variable or condition present on your field. It is your responsibility to use your best judgment and adhere to all application guidelines outlined in your plan. Always err on the side of caution to prevent unwanted discharges. Manure application practices that cause a discharge can lead to fines and/or necessitate a CAFO permit for your facility. The Whatcom Conservation District and the NRCS assume no responsibility for inappropriate manure application. Proper application is ultimately your responsibility.
We got the idea on how to present the information from the Wisconsin Manure Management Advisory System. Thanks to Rick Wayne, UW-Madison, Dept. of Soil Sciences for helping on this project!
Thanks to Greg Corradini for a lot of the help getting this code together. Without him there wouldn't be a site!
Of course we wouldn't have much of a site without the data we retrieve from the NOAA prediction website.
Questions? Comments? Get in touch!
If you have any questions or if you have ideas on how we could improve this tool we would love to hear from you. Contact a Whatcom Conservation District farm planner, call or text at 360-526-2381 ext. 105 or via email tgearhart@whatcomcd.org – If you would like help with your manure management decisions.
More Manure Spreading Resources