Our Vision
We envision a thriving community that protects and benefits from clean and plentiful water, productive working lands, and resilient natural habitats.
Our Mission
We form partnerships with Whatcom County residents and entities to advance resiliency and ecological processes on working lands, residential landscapes, waterways, and open spaces for current and future generations.
Our Values
We are committed to the vitality of the ecosystem and every person in Whatcom County and value the following when orienting ourselves to our work:
Serving all people of Whatcom County,
Respecting the needs and unique characteristics of our diverse community,
Building strategic partnerships to sustain healthy communities, working lands, natural habitats, and native flora and fauna,
Supporting agricultural land management and local food production,
Conserving the inter-relationships in the environment,
Carrying out our work with scientific and social integrity,
Investing in our staff,
Encouraging equitable and inclusive policies.
Land Acknowledgement
Whatcom CD respectfully acknowledges that the territory where we live and work are the ancestral homelands of the Coast Salish people, which includes the Lhaq’temish (Lummi Nation) and Nuxwsa’7aq (Nooksack Indian Tribe) and who are the original stewards of this land since time immemorial. There has been significant loss in natural and cultural resources since European settlement and we honor their work as guardians of what remains, we consider the legacies of violence, displacement, migration, and settlement that bring us together, and we commit to action and building lasting relationships to grow together so that all may prosper.
Note – This Whatcom CD land acknowledgment is draft, and the Board of Supervisors intends to finalize the acknowledgment in collaboration with the Lummi Nation and Nooksack Indian Tribe.
Year Established